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Start Sailing

Hill Head is an RYA Accredited Training Centre, offering a wide variety of courses and regular training sessions for members throughout the year. Training covers the core practical disciplines of sailing and power-boating, along with land-based First Aid and VHF courses.

HHSC's primary focus is making sure that the first steps into a boat are conducted in a safe and calm manner with volunteer instructors that can understand your needs. Our Start sailing courses are run with each individual's requirements in mind. We tailor the course, types of boats and methods of teaching accordingly.

Below is the start sailing courses we offer each year.


* Monthly Oppie sessions for children
These run from April to October and are booked prior to each session, on the website. There are three types of sessions; beginner, intermediate & advanced. This allows us to cater for all abilities and experiences. Each boat will have a experienced cadet to provide 1:1 boat tuition, alongside this there are several Dinghy & Senior Instructors available to provide an excellent learning environment.

* RYA Youth Stage 1 & 2
This course is ideally suited for cadets as the next step from the beginner Oppie sessions. The course uses Oppies with the more able cadets progressing to an RS Tera. This course consist of 3 days, usually spread over 2 weekends.

* RYA Youth Stage 2 & 3
This course is the natural progression from the Stage 1 & 2 course. It is aimed at slightly older cadets aged 11-16, who have already completed their RYA Stage 1. This course is delivered in RS Teras, Toppers & Picos. As it is slightly more advanced it is 4 days, usually spread over 2 weekends.

* RYA Adult Level 1 & 2 Start Sailing course
This course is aimed at those who might be complete beginners, or have sailed before, but would like to have some formal training. HHSC use bigger double handed boats such as the RS Vision & Wayfarer for the adult training course, and single handers for those who wish to sail solo such as Picos & the Hartley 12. This course runs over 6 days, 1 of which is a theory session, spread over 3 weekends.

For more information concerning all aspects of sailing training contact Ali West

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